Services & Worship
Cards made for Mothers’ Day

St. John’s services are at 10:30am on Sundays. For those who feel unable to attend on Sunday mornings, there is a Zoom service at 4pm once a month on Sundays – contact our minister or use the contact form for details.
Our normal Sunday Service takes place at 10:30am every week, and lasts for about an hour. Our own minister usually leads at least one service at St. John’s each month. Local preachers, either from our own church or from elsewhere in the Cheshire South Circuit, or sometimes a minister from another of the Churches in the town lead on the other Sundays. The dates of services are on the calendar on this website.
We try to make our worship format varied, and like to include items to interest a broad spectrum of ages and tastes, but usually have a talk/sermon, bible readings, traditional and more modern music, and possibly film clips, drama or solo musical items on offer. Worship leaders often take responsibility for part of many services, leading prayers, drama, music etc to assist the overall service leader. We regularly include baptisms in our Sunday morning services. Our main sources of music during services are ‘Singing the Faith’ and ‘Mission Praise’, and we mostly use the ‘Good News’ translation of the bible.
A projector and screen are sometimes used for song words/illustrations/film clips etc and a sound system and hearing loop are in operation. We have some large print hymn books available, and our main entrances are both wheelchair/disabled friendly.
We have a children’s corner with toys and books for younger ones and their parents.

Every year in November, in addition to the traditional Remembrance Service on a Sunday morning, St. John’s has an evening Remembering Service based on remembering loved ones who have died.
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals are conducted by our Minister, and these services are based on the format in the 1999 Methodist Service Book.
A Worship Committee meets regularly to review the content of our services and decide how we can try to make them relevant to today.
The Mission Statement of St. John’s is:
“Our church is here to worship God and to:
- Encourage us all to grow in the Christian faith.
- Develop our spiritual life through teaching and prayer.
- Share God’s love.
- Through our prayer and actions, care for the local community and the wider world.”